26 May 2009

The Trouble With Gays...

Since today the news hit that the California supreme court held the ban on same-sex marriages, I thought I would start off this magical journey with a little comment about that.

Tonight on the Nightly News, they ran a story about this, right after the choosing of Sonia Sotomayer as the newest Supreme Court Justice and the latest bipolar bounce-back of the US economy. Of course I'd seen the story this morning on CNN.com, until it was pushed aside by Sotomayer. But that's not her fault. Anyway. Listening to these pro-Prop 8 people makes me sick to my stomach, and I mean that quite literally. Their biggest excuse for wanting to deny people their American rights? "It's threatening to the sanctity of marriage and creates poor living environments for growing children."

Give me a fucking break. Here's how it basically boils down. Let's not let 2 people of the same sex who love each other get married or adopt children, because it could threaten the sanctity of marriage. Meanwhile, I'm going to go home and get drunk and beat my children with a studded belt and nobody will give a shit because my significant other is of the opposite sex, so it's okay. Yeah, and by the way, he's having an affair with an underage girl. No biggie! We're heterosexuals and therefore the superior sexuality because it's what God said was correct when He wrote the Bible so we can get away with whatever we want to do. But you fags better not even think about getting married, because that's threatening to my marriage.

Fuck. Off. How about let's all be CHRISTIAN about the whole thing and "do unto others..." Does that sound familiar to anyone? Yeah. Maybe it should be more like "Do unto others as I feel like it, and fuck the rest." Seems to me, the heathen pagan, that's really how it is these days. So much for all those love-thy-neighbor teachings that Jesus gave. I mean really. If this whole gay marriage thing comes down to religion, then let's not make inferences about what the Bible may or may not mean, let us talk about what it actually says. Did Jesus not teach us to be kind to our fellow humans, and spread happiness and joy. Somehow, it seems to me that refusing someone the right to happiness and children simply because they are of a different sexuality is kind of the opposite of the message dear old Jesus meant to spread. But what do I know, I'm just a heathen pagan.

But you know what? I don't even care if you are closed-minded enough to think that gays shouldn't be around. But you know something? They are. Just like radioactive chemicals and Styrofoam, they're here, and they're here to stay. (I'm not comparing homosexuals to chemicals and planet pollutants, but for some reason most people have a lot less of a problem with those kinds of things.) So keep your mouth shut and deal with it. You deal with the Styrofoam okay, don't you? They aren't hurting you, are they? When's the last time a gay person actually threatened you or hurt you or stepped in on your marriage? Right. Just like that Styrofoam you don't seem to care much about when you toss it away, those scary gays really are pretty harmless. All things considered, I'm pretty sure most homosexuals are better for the environment than most of the stuff you put in your trash every week. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get one--it's like abortion in that way. Mind your own goddamn business and let's get back to our own lives, shall we? This isn't the McCarthy era. We don't need to be watching in our neighbors' windows to see if they're doing naughty things that could compromise the safety of the United States. Unless your neighbors are Arabs, in which case have at it. (And yes, if you've been reading anything I've written here, you'll know I'm a big fan of a little old thing called sarcasm. In which case you will know that I am kidding. That being said, this is your one and only warning on the subject.)

In short, can we stop trying to poke into our neighbors' bedrooms and see what they're putting where and automatically assume that they're going to destroy your marriage which was probably going down the tubes anyway? Let's stop trying to mess with other peoples' lives and deal with our own, how about. Your kids will thank you for it.


  1. You're brilliant, I love you and I'm going to try to read every blog you write =D

    I got so pissed off today in the break room at work RE this, as the news was on...

  2. Awesome post, and I agree with everyword you said. The queer community needs more allies willing to fight with us.

    This is Alexis by the way, lol

  3. Woot-woot!
    What an amazing way to begin a blog! This issue really boils my blood as well, and as always 'phania, your sarcasm is delicious.
