28 May 2009

On the topic of cross-dressing

The afternoon radio hosts on the channel I listen to are talking about cross-dressing.

Why is it such a taboo when men cross-dress? Who said that this was bad? Women do it every day. I'm doing it right now in fact. Where did this idea come from that it was a "problem" in the mental sense if a man wants to wear a dress? A man who wears a dress is seen to have "issues" and should go to counseling to fix the problems he has. Why? What if he just likes the comfort of wearing dresses? Kilts, hello?


  1. It's because people(namely men) cannot comprehend why men would want to lower their status'. We live in a patriarchal based society so women are told to submit to men, thereby we are inherently lower than men. For a man to dress in women's clothing is for a man to reject his male privilege(though many argue that this is impossible but that is a debate for another day) and choose to live in a lower class.

  2. dresses are damn comfy. breezy, too. I think the man-skirt should have caught on by now. we live in an "enlightened" society in which equality is prized. if a woman can throw off the constraints of her gender, then a man should be able to also.
