11 June 2009

Well, Moses worked miracles too...

My last post about gun control was pretty timely, wasn't it?

Yesterday a psychopath anti-semite white supremacist names James Von Brunn walked into a Holocaust Memorial museum and shot and killed the security guard, who also just happened to be black. Oh boy. Can we ask ourselves again how this man got a gun in his hands? I bet it was through legal means.

But anyway, I did have a tiny laugh while I was watching the news story about this. The news stated that the police found notebooks in Brunn's car with stuff saying "The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews."

Please, explain this one to me. I'm really curious to know how they worked this one. I know the Jews are supposed to be the Children of God and all that, but damn, they're good! Moses isn't the only Jew who did really awesome things, evidently. I wanna find the Jew who created Obama and give him a hug.

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