21 February 2010

More mind-numbing hypocrisy

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, I'm far too unmotivated to do any homework and it's snowing outside, so what's a bored college kid to do? Sounds like it's time to turn on good ol' Fox News for some shits and grins. Watching the O'Reilly Factor is always a trip. Who's on the show today but Sarah Palin!

I didn't catch the entire discussion, but what I gathered from what I did see is that Seth MacFarlane, via Family Guy, made a joke about the disabled community on the show. This is nothing we (fans of the show) haven't seen before. It's like reading The Onion. That's the point. It's meant to be offensive, but you're only going to be offended if you can't take a joke. And of course, we all know that most conservatives can't take a joke, so it's always struck me as ironic that Family Guy airs on Fox. Go figure. So anyway, here comes good ol' Moral Sarah Palin to the rescue to bitch him out. She's going on about how inappropriate the joke was, and how we need to draw a line about how much people can say (censorship? aren't the republicans against that?), and blah blah blah, and they went on to talk about Rahm Emanuel, who recently apparently used the phrase "fucking retard" (don't quote my source, I'm quoting Mr. O'Reilly) and how inappropriate that was. THEN, they brought up Rush Limbaugh, who apparently used the phrase "retards" to refer to a group of people listening to his show. Sarah Palin, O Alaskan Genius, defended his use of the word. Defended it. This is the woman who has a son with Down's Syndrome, defending Rush Limbaugh for his use of the word "retards" when mere seconds before she had lambasted Seth MacFarlane and Rahm Emanuel for it. Buhhhwhat? Her excuse was that "Limbaugh was using the word in satire to make a point."

Earth to Sarah Palin: You can't have it both ways. And no, he wasn't using it in satire. He was using it because he's a bigot and an asshole. Furthermore: if Keith Olbermann had said the same kind of thing, using the same exact words, Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly would have had a field day about how hateful his language was. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. And it only seems to work for the Right.

12 January 2010

I'm making that Lewis Black confused sound again

I love a good hypocrisy to stir things up.

I just had the pleasure of seeing a bumper sticker that read, "Forget the tea. Pass the tar and feathers!"

Do people really think that the next step after their ridiculous tea parties should be tarring and feathering people they disagree with? I think we got a misrepresented view of tarring and feathering when we learned about the American Revolution in the 5th grade. For some reason it seems romantic to us, a vision of "American Spirit" and telling the British what's what and all that.

That being said, I don't believe that most people realize that tarring and feathering a person could KILL THEM. Out and out KILL THEM. The hot tar burns so badly that in most cases they will die, and if they live, chances are they'll have no skin. Yeah, fun.

So, what these people are saying is, essentially, the age-old adage of "You disagree with me, so I'm going to kill you." Yeah, that's great. "I disagree with your liberal taxes and so therefore I am going to steal you from your home, rip your clothes off and dump a barrel of scalding hot tar on your body and then, to add insult to injury, throw feathers on you."

Jesus would totally agree with you, man. Kill the fuckers who don't agree with you, it's cool. As long as you come back to Church on Sunday.


10 January 2010

Stop Looking at My Underwear

A lot of people have been bitching lately about the new and added security at airports after the Christmas Day Underwear Bomber fiasco. The big thing is the 3D scanner thingy, which takes an image of the body under the clothes. People are balking over "privacy rights!"

Need I remind everyone that we live in a country where the Patriot Act is legal? We HAVE no privacy rights, remember? The government is allowed to look into our private lives for no reason other than the security of the Fatherland. Excuse me, Homeland. We're only a few steps away from the vans in V for Vendetta that patrol the streets listening to home conversations - because it's for the betterment of the country's safety. And your safety, presumably. Didn't we agree to give up some of those rights so that the country would be safe from terrorists? Well, aside from the fact that nobody in the Congress actually read the damn thing...but that's beside the point. And, since most people out there agree with the Patriot Act, we should not have any problem whatsoever about showing our undies to the TSA agent at the airport so that we can avoid a plane being blown up. Seems logical to me anyway.

Oh, right...we love extra security and the loss of privacy rights when it only affects someone else. But start to take away MY rights....and we can't stand for that one.


25 June 2009

Doing my best to piss off the Right Wing

I was having a discussion via Twitter with theoldbat1, aka @RutheeS, about abortion rights and things like that, and some conservative jerkoff budged his way into our conversation with this:

@jay_pe: @zatzie @RutheeS baby murderers. Your fake concern for others is not honorable. Your mother was pro-life but you are a disgrace.

@zatzie: @jay_pe @RutheeS Actually, my mother had an abortion before me because her baby would have been born with no brain stem. So fuck off. When's the last time you actually did something good for another living person anyway? Inconsiderate, judgmental jerk.

(That is absolutely true, by the way, about my mom.)

@jay_pe: @zatzie pottymouth = you chose death to boys & girls. Nice choice freaks.

@zatzie: @jay_pe I am assuming you are pro-war? How many boys and girls have you willingly and supportively sent off to be killed in Iraq? How kind.

In short, YES! Doing my best to piss off the self-righteous bastards of the right wing! Huzzah! I'm sure this will continue...I will post highlights if I get really good ones.

24 June 2009

The hypocrisy is staggering

Another righteous, religious-Christian Republican politician bites the dust:

Republican Gov. Sanford admits extramarital affair

After going missing for a few days, the governor of South Carolina admitted that not only was he in Argentina (which first off I don't think is that big a deal), but he had an affair with an Argentinian...woman, I am assuming. The article doesn't actually say, but for the sake of fairness I'll just assume it was a woman. Although the alternative kinda gives me a nice giggle.

But oh! The hypocrisy! Here's another one of these righteous, God-Is-Good Republicans preaching about how we need to be faithful to our spouses and not have sex with people we are not married to....banging another woman. Tsk, tsk.

You know, I don't give a crap if you want to tell people to be righteous and monogamous and abstinent, but at least practice what you preach, how about? Let us not tell other people what they ought to be doing and then do differently ourselves. Evidently, there's a lot of people out there who rule by the "do as I say, not as I do" example.

Yes, yes, I know that not only Republicans have affairs. Look at Eliot Spitzer. But it's usually the Repubs who are the ones spouting about the church and abstinence and being faithful...and then they're also the ones who end up DOING all the shit they tell you not to do. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," evidently. Look at Larry Craig. And Ted Haggard.

Yes, you're leading by righteous example now! And Jesus thanks you for it.

23 June 2009

To my conservative family and friends:

Dear conservative friends and family members:

Don't send me your bullshit right-wing pro-gun pro-life pro-church anti-other countries except America propaganda e-mails. In return, I, the liberal, will not send you my radical, left-wing pro-gun control pro-choice pro-science pro-other countries except America propaganda e-mails.

I bring it up because I never send out liberal-slanted e-mails to you, my conservative friends and family members, but you seem to send me your bullshit all the time. It's not as if you don't know I'm liberal. What, do you think I'm actually going to read your shit? Certainly not, it's going in the trash bin immediately. Good god, that pisses me off.

Thanks. Glad we could come to terms on this one.


22 June 2009

Open Invitation

Another headline that just made me cringe:

People on terrorist watch list allowed to buy guns

My blog just writes itself sometimes, doesn't it?

Yes, forget about the yellow-orange-red alert color days or the grand efforts of the Office of Homeland Security, let's just let these people just walk right into America (because we're so good at keeping them out) and then give them guns! Perfect! It's 9/11 2.0! Yes, isn't this just the next thing we need. Known troublemakers on the terrorist watch list being allowed to legally buy guns...that's just almost asking them to come and shoot us!

Hello! Is anyone awake in there? I think not.

Maybe I will stay in New Zealand when I get there next year. America is pissing me off more and more these days.